Tuesday, September 5, 2017


We are off to a great start with our school fundraiser--Read-A-Thon.  Thank you so much for all your pledges.  As of today, we have raised a little over $700 as a class and we are in 1st place in 1st grade. Here is a list of rewards we will have:

Tuesday--9/5--Crazy seat day.  Pick your own seat for the day.
Wednesday--9/6--Picnic lunch (we will eat our lunch outside).  Computer lab time in the afternoon.
Thursday--9/7--Stuffed animal day.  Bring in a stuffed animal to sit with all day.
Friday--9/8--Popsicle party and extra recess day in the afternoon

Week of 9/11--No homework week
9/11--Cookie Party

Please email me at kwern@wcpss.net if you would like to donate Popsicle for our 9/8 Popsicle party or cookies for our 9/11 cookie party.

Next rewards are a donut hole/munchkin party and pajama day!